Steven Vanroboys

Innovative Approaches to Employee Training in Traditional Industries

employee training program

Over the years, leading multiple businesses in traditional sectors like trucking and agriculture has taught me the crucial role of employee training in maintaining competitiveness and fostering innovation. Here, I want to discuss some innovative approaches we’ve adopted to enhance employee training, sharing insights that might help other businesses in traditional industries evolve their training strategies.

Embracing Technology in Training

In an era where technology dictates progress, integrating tech-driven solutions into employee training programs is essential, even for the most traditional industries. At Vanroboys Trucking Ltd., we have incorporated various technological tools to enhance our training methods.

Virtual Reality (VR) Simulations

One of the most exciting tools we have introduced is Virtual Reality. VR allows our drivers and equipment operators to experience real-world scenarios in a controlled, virtual environment. This technology is particularly beneficial for training on new equipment or in high-risk situations that are difficult to replicate safely in real life. It not only reduces the risk but also boosts confidence as employees can practice procedures multiple times.

Online Learning Platforms

We also utilize online learning platforms that offer flexible, accessible training options for our employees. These platforms provide a range of courses on everything from new agricultural techniques to logistics management, allowing team members to learn at their own pace and on their own schedules. This flexibility is crucial for accommodating the diverse needs of our workforce, many of whom manage varying schedules and responsibilities.

Fostering a Culture of Continuous Learning

Training isn’t just about formal education sessions; it’s about fostering a culture where continuous learning is valued and encouraged. Here’s how we nurture this culture at our companies:

Encouraging Cross-Departmental Training

We encourage employees to learn about different parts of the business beyond their specific roles. This cross-departmental training not only helps employees gain a broader understanding of the business but also fosters versatility within the team. For example, someone from the truck maintenance team might learn about the administrative side of operations, enhancing their overall skill set and understanding of the business.

Regular Training Updates

Industries evolve, and so must our training programs. We regularly update our training content to reflect the latest trends, technologies, and regulatory changes. Keeping our training up-to-date ensures that all team members are knowledgeable and compliant with industry standards, which is vital for maintaining operational excellence.

Interactive and Engaging Training Methods

Traditional lecture-based training methods are often not the most effective, especially for practical skills that are better learned through doing rather than listening. We’ve shifted towards more interactive and engaging training methods.

Hands-on Workshops

Instead of just telling employees how to do something, we show them, and then we let them do it themselves. Hands-on workshops are a staple of our training programs, providing practical experience in a controlled setting. These sessions are invaluable for everything from mechanical repairs to effective agricultural practices.

Peer-to-Peer Learning

Peer-to-peer learning sessions, where employees teach each other based on their areas of expertise and experience, have been incredibly effective. These sessions not only allow employees to learn from real-life experiences but also help in building a team-oriented culture where knowledge sharing is standard practice.

Incentivizing Learning

To truly embed a culture of continuous improvement, learning must be recognized and rewarded. Here’s how we incentivize learning within our companies:

Recognizing and Rewarding Progress

We make it a point to recognize and reward employees who take the initiative to further their knowledge and skills. Whether it’s through formal acknowledgment in company meetings, bonuses, or additional responsibilities, we show our appreciation for their commitment to personal and professional growth.

Career Development Opportunities

We link training and learning opportunities directly to career advancement within the company. Employees know that expanding their skills is not only good for their personal growth but also opens up new opportunities for advancement within the company.


Transforming training approaches in traditional industries from a periodic necessity to a continuous, engaging process has profound benefits. It not only enhances individual employee skills but also boosts overall organizational efficiency and adaptability. In my experience, investing in innovative training approaches has been instrumental in maintaining our competitive edge and will continue to be a key focus as we navigate the ever-evolving business landscape.

For other leaders in traditional industries, my advice is to embrace these innovative training strategies. They not only prepare your workforce to meet current challenges but also empower them to drive your business successfully into the future.